



Every day, whether it be 10 minutes, one hour, two hours, or three hours, I stack up regardless of what may come. I am not in a position to claim that work keeps me busy. However, talent and sensitivity are not honed or accumulated by such actions. Nevertheless, the entirety of one’s body, tempered over time through dedication to craft and experience, conveys something and inevitably emerges within the space of a created work. I am sometimes aware of this in a moment.

The pieces of wood scattered in the studio are waiting for me to believe in and respond with all my might. I have been a perennial underachiever since birth. Driven by an overwhelming desire to express something, I entered the art university in Osaka, but as someone who was inept at both painting and sculpting, I was never truly expected or even remembered by the professors. Yet, I persevered endlessly. When faced with criticism, I believed in the trembling self standing before the wood. In times of hardship, I recall past regrets. If one cannot convert all these into strength in the act of creation, the trees that have stood for over 100 years will remain silent.

It all begins here.

The idea of striving to create greatness, excellence, or beauty infuriates me. Be more honest. Move your hands before you know it. Stop doing art within art. A hazy soliloquy, facing a tree whose voice has yet to be heard.

藤原 千也


略歴 - CV

1978 北海道札幌市真駒内に生まれる
1998 大阪芸術大学美術学部立体造形学科卒業
2000 西宮美術展 奨励賞受賞
2002 大阪芸術大学美術学部立体造形学科卒業
和歌山県高野町森林組合に入社 (山や木を知りたくて入社・2004年退社)
2006 北見支援学校(旧紋別養護学校きたみ学園分校)にて勤務
2008 第83回全道展入選
2009 生徒との展覧会 「ひらかれている」茶廊法邑(北海道・札幌市)
2010 生徒の個展を企画 蛯子陽太「くろながいねこからの招待状」NHKギャラリー(北海道・北見市)
2011 個展「ひとつの中心と呼吸する」 ギャラリーとかるね(北海道・帯広・豊頃)
グループ展「茶廊法邑 開廊7周年記念展覧会」 茶廊法邑(北海道・札幌市)
2013 グループ展「緑と風の器展」 FLOW MOTION(北海道・帯広市)
「in the LIGHT / in the SHADOW」 北海道立帯広美術館(北海道・帯広市)
2014 グループ展「防風林アートプロジェクト」帯広市の郊外、防風林の中でインスタレーション(北海道帯広市)
「モケラモケラ企画若手作家シリーズ1 からすと山羊と鉛 見上げれば空展」(Art Space / café  MOKERA MOKERA/旭川市)
2015 「The open plane」十勝の明日(帯広市)
「六花ファイル」(北海道札幌市/六花亭 六花文庫)
2017 「ひかりの抜け道」(大丸藤井セントラル/北海道札幌市)
2018 北海道教育大学大学院 教育学研究科 教科教育専攻 美術教育専修空間造形研究室 修了
「ピカリ展 – 12人の切り口- 」(丸彦渡辺建設 まるひこアートスペース/札幌)
「藤原 千也 オープンアトリエ 中札内村2018」(藤原 千也のアトリエ/北海道中札内村)
2019 「第38回帯広市民芸術祭」招待作家展【 藤原 千也 展 -ふたたび生成のうちに- 】(帯広市民ギャラリー/北海道帯広市)
「はこだてトリエンナーレ」【 藤原 千也 展 -光景- 】(北海道木古内町 郷土資料館/北海道上磯郡木古内町)
「JRタワー アートボックス」(JR札幌駅/北海道札幌市)
「松本 道子/ダンスと藤原 千也/彫刻 コラボレーション」(藤原 千也のアトリエ/北海道中札内村)
2020 第23回岡本太郎現代芸術賞 特別賞受賞
「彫刻家 藤原千也 特別企画展」(中札内文化創造センター/北海道中札内村)
2021 「札幌美術展 アフターダーク」(札幌芸術の森美術館/札幌市)
2022 「札幌市南区芸術祭 」(COみどり・旧真駒内緑小学校/札幌市)
2023 第4回本郷新記念札幌彫刻賞 受賞


Kazuya Fujiwara

1978 Born in Makomanai, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan. Lives and works in Nakasatsunai,Hokkaido, Japan.

Kazuya Fujiwara, a Japanese artist, specializes in working with wood and light. His studio, once an old ironworks in Nakasatsunai, Hokkaido, serves as his creative space.
His art represents a profound conversation with the essence of wood, exploring themes of light and darkness that emerge from his sculpted works made from massive trees. Recognized as one of the prominent young sculptors in Hokkaido, he has been honored with accolades such as The 23rd Taro Okamoto Award for Contemporary Art (Special Prize) and The 4th Shin Hongo Memorial Sapporo Sculpture Award.


2002 Bachelor of Fine Arts(Sculpture), Osaka University of Arts
2018 Master of Subject Education, Art Education/Spatial Design Laboratory, Hokkaido University of Education


2002 Joined the forestry cooperative in Koya-machi, Wakayama Prefecture (Joined to learn about mountains and trees, left in 2004)
2006 Worked at Kitami Support School (Former Kitami Gakuen branch of Monbetsu School for the Disabled)
2011 Resumed work in Kitami City
Transferred to Nakasatsunai High School for the Disabled, Hokkaido, and worked in Nakasatsunai Village.


2000 Nishinomiya Art Exhibition, Encouragement Prize
2008 Selected for the 83rd All Hokkaido Exhibition
2009 Exhibition with students, “Open” at Chalou Houup (Sapporo, Hokkaido)
2010 Organized a student’s solo exhibition, Yota Ebiko “Invitation from Kuronagai Neko” at NHK Gallery, Kitami, Hokkaido.
2011 Solo exhibition “Open” at FLOWMOTION (Obihiro, Hokkaido)
Solo Exhibition “Breathing with One Center” Gallery and Karune (Obihiro and Toyokoro, Hokkaido)
Group Exhibition “Chalou Hou Yuu 7th Anniversary Exhibition” at Chalou Hou Yuu, Sapporo, Hokkaido.
Solo Exhibition “One for One” Kitami Culture Center Museum of Art, Kitami, Hokkaido, Japan
2013 Group Exhibition “Green and Wind Vessels” FLOW MOTION (Obihiro, Hokkaido)in the LIGHT / in the SHADOW” Hokkaido Obihiro Art Museum, Obihiro, Hokkaido
2014 Group Exhibition “Windbreak Art Project” Installation in a windbreak forest on the outskirts of Obihiro City, Obihiro, Hokkaido
Group exhibition “MOKERA MOKERA Project Young Artists Series 1: Karasu, Goat and Lead” at Art Space / café MOKERA MOKERA, Asahikawa, Japan
2015 “The open plane” Tokachi Tomorrow (Obihiro, Japan) Rokka File” (Rokkatei Rokka Bunko, Sapporo, Hokkaido)
2017 Hikari no Hashimichi” (Daimaru Fujii Central / Sapporo, Hokkaido)
2018 Pikari Exhibition – 12 Cutouts” (Maruhiko Watanabe Construction Maruhiko Art Space / Sapporo)
“Kazuya Fujiwara Open Atelier Nakasatsunai-mura 2018” (Kazuya Fujiwara’s Atelier / Nakasatsunai-mura, Hokkaido)
2019 “The 38th Obihiro Citizen’s Art Festival” Invited Artist Exhibition
[Kazuya Fujiwara Exhibition -Out of Generation Again-] (Obihiro Citizen Gallery/Obihiro City, Hokkaido)
HAKODATE TRIENNALE” [Kazuya Fujiwara Exhibition -Scene-] (Kikouchi Town Museum/Kikouchi Town, Hokkaido)
JR Tower Art Box” (JR Sapporo Station/Sapporo City, Hokkaido)
Collaboration of Dance by Michiko Matsumoto and Sculpture by Senya Fujiwara” at Atelier of Kazuya Fujiwara, Nakasatsunai Village, Hokkaido.
2020 The 23rd Taro Okamoto Award for Contemporary Art Exhibition, Kawasaki City Taro Okamoto Museum of Art, Kanagawa, Japan
Sculptor Kazuya Fujiwara Special Exhibition, Nakasatsunai Cultural Creation Center (Nakasatsunai Village, Hokkaido)
2021 “Sapporo Art Exhibition After Dark” (Sapporo Art Park Museum/Sapporo)
2022 “Sapporo Minami-ku Art Festival” (CO Midori, Former Makomanai Midori Elementary School, Sapporo)


2000 Nishinomiya Art Exhibition, Encouragement Prize
2020 The 23rd Taro Okamoto Award for Contemporary Art, Special Prize
2023 The 4th Shin Hongo Memorial Sapporo Sculpture Award


アトリエ - Studio Address

ご連絡はこちらまで - Contact
